Saturday, April 30, 2022

Not following Scott of late

Scott Adams plateaued for me so I stopped doing coffee as a 2022 thing. Last time I tuned in, he was talking about getting a divorce. Weird how quickly that marriage ended. 
Scott is pro-Disney last I checked, so I'm not sure what to think going forward about his opinions.
Bye Scott. Was nice knowing you but I've moved on.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Everyone should read LOSERTHINK.

I read it a while ago... but I enjoyed it. Slowly, I'm reading:
Scott suggested reading:
 I took pic of this page for some reason.
Here's an interesting page from Influence:
While it seems I read The Power of Habit after I had my tooth pulled and was forced to eat soft foods.
I really hadn't read much the last few years. So I found it funny that the dentist who pulled my tooth said she had read thinking fast and slow.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Scott talks Brain hacking April 24, 2020

Scott is having a whiteboard session during his 10PM periscope about hacking your brain. He's talking about the THE POWER OF HABIT.
I actually read the book after reading LOSERTHINK. I liked LOSERTHINK. Actually reading it made me work towards self-improvement. Unfortunately, I've been in a rut ever since I finished my bathroom project.
Here's what he talked about after sipping coffee at 10AM.
It's funny how much free time a busy guy like Scott has now that he's literally the old guy that can't be around his much younger significant other.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Scott got dumped on Twitter

I watched the morning periscope today, and Scott started off by saying he read Twitter to find out KB was moving on.
Scott has had a rough month. He lost his 18 year-old step-son to Fentanyl China, and now his hot girlfriend is going on without him.
My wife thought KB was a gold-digger. The two were a couple for a couple years. Age differences were mighty, but he's rich and smart. Not sure what to think aside from it's better to have had the experience than not have it since they seemed happy together.