Thursday, January 5, 2017

How About an American Expense-lowering Investment Fund?

Homelessness is perhaps a wild card to Mr. Trump's future legacy. He's a builder, so he could figure out ways to help those that need affordable housing, right? Blog almost touches my thoughts. Scott didn't veer into my idea enough... so let me just point out that tax dollars are given for food and shelter, while the Federal Government owns land and resources that could be allotted instead at no direct taxpayer cost. Maybe divvy out land as reparations? I could go further and explain ideas, but I'll just say solving the root of crime would eliminate prisons. Prisons feed and shelter with no return as far as I can tell. "Ex-convicts can't find real jobs," I found as an excuse for my career college grads not trying to find work.
Fed should give states chance to A/B test ideas by pitching ideas and tryingto be scientific model with the process like Freakonomics claimed about Roe v. Wade did to crime rates.

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