Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Meh... robot replacing corporate lawyer...

Monday, January 30, 2017


Guess PHB didn't like being bald... considering past strips, Dilbert having casual conversations with PHB seems out of place.

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Dilbert fails to update staff of meeting time by assuming someone else will do it.

Saturday, January 28, 2017


Wally sees imperfections as a minor element when his "finished" software is full of bugs.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Thursday, January 26, 2017


In reaction to the blow back from anger over his racist tweets, PHB attacks protesters with sexist tweets, thus making everyone forget the racist one.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Snopes.com? PHB retweeted a seemingly racist tweet about the Elbonians that Dilbert checked on Snopes?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Guess Scott had a funeral home/zombie joke squirrelled away and needed to use it? Nothing set up today's strip beyond typical PHB being anything but trustworthy or bright. Meh.

Sunday, January 22, 2017


If you follow Scott on Periscope, he talks about word thinking and bad analogies a lot... basically people use words to sound clever but lack the substance to back up a logical thought. I'm not sure if Scott ever mentioned the Mandela Effect, may be I'll ask him... Anyways, today they have a meeting and a guy won't shut up whenever Dilbert says something about a minor fix. Regardless, jerk tries to win final argument by saying stale lines like you sound like Hitler or say the world is flat.

Friday, January 20, 2017


Another day, another red file... Wally tricks PHB into buying the importance through suggesting dementia.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Wally gives great advice. He carries a red folder to give the illusion of actual work. When getting stopped and asked for assistance, he holds up the red folder and says "I have this red file to complete."

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Dilbert tells PHB about the manufacturing problem of Elbonians jumping off the building to commit suicide. PHB matter of factly replies that it's a two story building. Dilbert further explains the problem is they are having to jump a few times to be successful.

Monday, January 16, 2017

The Plan for Immortality

Scott is hyping WhenHub again. Basically, he'll use it to further document his existence, thus when AI can be developed to replicate his essence, the material can be uploaded.


Wally asks Dilbert if eating garbage is a better option than talking to the boss about his weekend. Dilbert asks about the quality of the garbage and the effort required to obtain it.

Sunday, January 15, 2017


It's budget cut time, PHB asks Dilbert to renegotiate all of the contracts with vendors. PHB gives him instructions to threaten vendors they'll go with someone cheaper unless they cut their price. Dilbert says they did that ploy last go around. He further states his poor negotiating skills, which was established when he whined about the new hire making more on Friday. Regardless of the obvious pending failure, PHB gives him until Tuesday to get it done.

Saturday, January 14, 2017


In continuation from yesterday, Dilbert complains to Dogbert about being paid less than the new hire. Dogbert essentially calls him a pu$$y for whining about fairness.

Friday, January 13, 2017


Meh, straight forward strip with  Dilbert complaining he makes less than a new hire to PHB. Latter blames Dilbert for negotiating like a pu$$y. PHB gloats about saving money and shoos him away when Dilbert says he hates confrontation.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


I guess Ted isn't dead like Kenny from South Park, for today he quit after PHB tells him he'll be spending time with him, just as yesterday's strip suggested.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Is Meryl Streep Persuasive?

Not sure why Scott posts tweets to his blog. Maybe he feels the need to make a quota? He hasn't Periscoped (Coffee) as much lately. Meh. Must be working on his book.


Today seems to be reverting to last week's series of events that concluded with "feng shui" joke. PHB being annoying while Dilbert continues to work on his time lagging project.


PHB and Catbert are discussing Ted. I thought Ted had his ashes flushed down the toilet by Wally last year, but evidently he's alive and doing a terrible job. Catbert suggest PHB talk to him to make him want to quit. About what doesn't matter for PHB talking for two minutes made Catbert's tail go asleep. Other than my understanding that Ted died on launch pad on his rocket to Mars, today seems like yesterday's strip.
Of course, Catbert being in today's makes me think of "the moan," and "feng shui."

Monday, January 9, 2017

OCD and Creativity

Not sure what made Scott consider OCD and Creativity, but it is a change from recent topics. I don't suffer from OCD, at least I don't think I do. I have my quirks. I have my mild obsessions, but I don't feel compelled to do much of anything. I have a brain defect of some sort which makes having a mild obsession a good thing. I have generalized indifference 97% of the time. I supposedly have bipolar disorder, but it's of the variety that I have never been hospitalized and that I'm not compulsive. I'm prone to depression and to anxiety. Obsessing gives me a channel to concentrate that keeps the two at bay. I'm medicated, too. Probably the main reason I'm meh about most things is due to my medication. I've a thyroid condition which probably causes my mood swings, hence I'm skeptically of my diagnosis. I used to self medicate with alcohol and nicotine, but now I can't smoke or drink because of the meds I'm taking. I drink lots of coffee. I rarely have trouble sleeping, so I can drink coffee all day.
Prior to my diagnosis and subsequent medications, I was mildly creative. There are times I consider my medications as a restrictor plate, but I just assume not go there when I know my wife would kill me if I were to do such a silly thing as go off my meds.

Sunday, January 8, 2017


Yesterday, I was disappointed that Saturday's strip was about Alice. Today it's a presentation/meeting with a jerk sitting next to Wally* making comments that Dilbery is dumb and such for for his presentation. Strip concludes with him asking Dogbert, "What's wrong with people?"

Sunday is supposed to be better than the rest with the extra panels, but I'm not feeling anything of use from them today.

Last Sunday, the strip more or less set up PHB being annoying to get Dilbert to moan, yet there never was an actual moan. Perhaps the jerk in today's strip finds his demise this week?

Friday, January 6, 2017


So feng shui concluded the joke for the week with no "moan," or did I miss something?
I didn't know there were Saturday strips, I guess I was hoping to enjoy today to its fullest given my youngest turns 3. Sidenotes- 1/7/17 has a certian symmetry about it. We're gonna have cookie cake after visiting Build a Bear.
Anyways, PHB and the female character whose name eludes me* are discussing something and PHB takes credit for her idea. Absurd to lie about stuff but he's PHB so you can't argue, I guess. Is it persuasive to be a dick? Seems to be a move Mr. Trump wouldn't use but would be accused of utilizing.

How To Know Your Product Will Succeed

Seems to be a blog about his book again, and it is. I read the book, so I am not going to comment further, but I will say Scott seems to be stuck on his success as being a fluke. Rationalizing success creates the notion of lightning being caught in a bottle and mass produced. Why are there so many damn 1 hit wonders? At least there used to be a genre of them. They had unexpected success and fizzled when their 15 minutes were up.


The daily strip through Thursday was PHB interupting Dilbert about his project that took him a few days to set up a programming environment and more time dealing with technical debt. Then there was the flow problem when adding a project and the zone interruption.
Today, PHB asks why Dilbert isn't done with the software, to which Dilbert sharply responds in front Catbert the above mentioned interruptions. Catbert being clueless asks PHB "what did he mean by that?" PHB says "sounded like some sort of Feng Shei."
Feng shui — which literally translates to "wind and water" — is the ancient Chinese art of placement. The goal is to enhance the flow of chi (life force or spiritual energy), and to create harmonious environments that ...
I never knew the definition of the Chinese interior design philosophy had words "flow of chi" and "create a harmonious environments," so PHB actually seems clever in his response.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

WhenHub: Movies Coming in 2017

Meh, WhenHub propaganda. I am not a people person, and I don't really do apps. I felt that way about Twitter until I read a book about Twitter. I'm not saying Scott needs to write a book explaining the benefits of WhenHub, but so far I'm just meh.

Is The Onion Advising Democrats Now?

Was this a Tweet before a blog post?

How About an American Expense-lowering Investment Fund?

Homelessness is perhaps a wild card to Mr. Trump's future legacy. He's a builder, so he could figure out ways to help those that need affordable housing, right? Blog almost touches my thoughts. Scott didn't veer into my idea enough... so let me just point out that tax dollars are given for food and shelter, while the Federal Government owns land and resources that could be allotted instead at no direct taxpayer cost. Maybe divvy out land as reparations? I could go further and explain ideas, but I'll just say solving the root of crime would eliminate prisons. Prisons feed and shelter with no return as far as I can tell. "Ex-convicts can't find real jobs," I found as an excuse for my career college grads not trying to find work.
Fed should give states chance to A/B test ideas by pitching ideas and tryingto be scientific model with the process like Freakonomics claimed about Roe v. Wade did to crime rates.


Dilbert is in the coding "zone" and PHB wants to talk to him a minute which will cause D to take 15 to get back into his zone. Basically, another way of saying "flow," but today PHB doesn't suggest working longer for nothing. May be tomorrow will have the "moan."

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Not sure what Dilbert means by "technical debt," but I could google it. Yesterday, I was ignorant of setting up a programming environment, and I've yet to google it. I shouldn't feel the need to google to understand a joke.

Monday, January 2, 2017

What if Climate Change Causes more CO2?

Another blog today? Scott has been in the contrarian mood about CC. I've not followed Scott much beyond this past fall, so I guess it may be a staple. Meh, I don't feel strongly about CC. Glaciers and dinosaurs suggest man isn't responsible for the Earth changing temps for long stretches. If you think I'm being simple, consider how warm it would be to allow a cold-blooded huge lizard to live year round.

Your Body is Your Brain Too

Today's blog basically discusses the Diet chapter of Scott's most recent book. I had a hard time reading the chapter, but I charged through it after Scott tweeted me that it's the most important chapter. I thought he was using his persuasion skills to read a meh chapter, but there really is something to the diet... much like those Snickers commercials about not being yourself when you are hungry. Funny that Scott no longer eats Snickers, but he names his dog after the snack.


Remodelling my bathroom will take at least three days. I told my wife and she says, where do you get that number? I say, taking out sink and toilet is one step. Cutting out wall is another step. Removing floor tile is a step. Replacing floor tile is another step. replacing the wall and tiling is another step. Returning the toilet and sink is final step.
I say it will take 3 days.
I am not a quick worker. I just know it will take me time to do the steps, and 3 days is a conservative time frame.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Master Persuader Filter and Bernie’s Ad

Really, the first blog of 2017 is about an ad by LOSER BERNIE SANDERS? Actually it's a red herring as a means to discuss Persuasion. Scott has a list that he says people should google. He even had a chapter in his book. It's his favorite subject, and he uses it as the explanation for Mr. Trump's success.


I'm not a  Dilbert fan. I don't hate him or anything, I just never followed his existence beyond the last few months and the various subscriptions I had to the Dayton Daily News. I remember a News Radio episode with Matthew being obsessed, so I never felt the need to get too involved since Matthew was a loser, or at least Andy Dick played him. I'm looking to have a hobby in 2017, and studying the work of Scott Adams seems to be a worthwhile endeavour. Today's Dilbert seems odd to me because it seems like PHB has Mr. Burns qualities. I always thought he was an idiot that somehow got to be boss by dumb luck. I know nothing about Catbert beyond he's not a pet.
Catbert: The one called Dilbert is showing signs of happiness at work. Boss: That means we can give him more work and he won't quit. Excellent. Is anyone else exhibiting signs of unauthorized happiness? Catbert: No. Everyone else is in the narrow band of misery you want them to be in. If they were any happier, it would mean you're overpaying them. If they were any less happy, the would take their own lives. If you don't hear any laughing or screaming, it means you're doing something right. Boss: What about moans? Catbert: Moans are ideal. That's the sweet spot.
Read more: http://dilbert.com/#ixzz4UZWcsYMW